How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

EP2: Home Seller’s Masterclass

How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

After You’ve Done Calculating Sales Proceeds, It’s Time For Step 2: Learning How To Prepare Your Home For Sale.

In this step, you want to make sure you show buyers the best side of your home.

If there’s only 1 takeaway from this entire video, remember this: First Impressions Count.

Everything you do is for the purpose of achieving a great first impression, which allows the buyer to remember your house, even after they’ve left.

So How To Prepare Your Home For Sale? Here’s 5 quick tips to help!

1.     Declutter – If you’re not sure where to stay on this, watching some Marie Kondo would help ????

2.     Clean, Clean, Clean! – a spick and span home encourages the buyer and helps them visualise wanting to stay in.

3.     Use Neutral Wall Colours – Green, red, rainbow colours, they’re jarring to the senses. Keep it simple and neutral for a better effect.

4.     Keep Windows Open – It allows for better lighting, and a more ventilated, spacious feel to the home.

5.     Don’t Forget The Small Stuff! – The last tip may seem minor, but small annoyances like sounds or smells that shouldn’t be there, can put off the prospective buyer.

Remember, it’s all about the buyer’s experience when walking through your house.

Keep it pleasant and welcoming, and you stand a chance to make a good impression on the buyers.


Are there any awesome tips on How To Prepare Your Home For Sale that I missed out?

Do let me know in the video comments, or leave me a message.

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