Foreigner Services

Articles like these are published almost every other week.

In numbers,

Data analysis firm Handshakes estimates that 221 single and multi-family offices opened in Singapore in 2020, which is up from 129 in 2019, and 22 in 2018.

Fast forward to 2022 and there are more than 700, and still counting.

Forbes found a record 2,755 US dollar billionaires in 2021, nearly a third more than the 2,095 in 2020.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons Why.

It Can Be You Too

These are the 3 most important factors to ensure a successful move to Singapore


The most important first step to getting started.

Two primary ways:

  1. Be employed, and the company sponsors your work VISA
  2. The Global Investor Programme, a fast track to permanent residency


Families planning for their kid’s education will be pleased with the wide array of Schools in Singapore. Both International, and Local.


An area with nonstop entertainment, arts, and heritage or somewhere more family-oriented? Singapore has a vibrant expat community with varying neighbourhoods to suit different needs.

Read about the 5 Popular Locations for Foreigners

i can help you

5-Star prior experience when working with Foreigners entering Singapore during a previous role with a trusted leader among global relocation companies, Cartus.


With a year of dedicated prior experience of working with expatriates coming to Singapore, Jim has written an essential guide to Buying Property in Singapore as a Foreigner​.

Ready to get started?

+65 8333 7213


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